I woke up this morning to this powerful message which i found while doing my quiet time and i feel i should share it and if you are a user of the devotional WORD FOR TODAY, you might have seen this message also but for those who have not, you can read it after the cut........
IT'S SAID 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder', but you can waste your life trying to please the wrong beholder. One Christian writer says: 'When it comes to beauty, each of us carries baggage from childhood.... I' ve fretfully hung clothes of every size in my wardrobe, messed with make-up when i should have slapped on sunscreen and gone outside to play. I've eaten close to nothing in an effort to stay small, wasted time worrying I wasn't pretty enough when i should have been enjoying the things that made me interesting. Throughout history the definition of beauty has shifted to reflect society. Sometimes we should be curvy, other times thin as a lath; sometimes tanned, sometimes pale; sometimes with long hair, sometimes with short.... We devote our energies to meeting standards and guess what? There's always another mandate...it's an empty and relentless pursuit. We must seriously consider whose heart we're trying to capture.... God is the only one worth pursuing. Paul says, '...Don't become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking..(Roms 12:1-2); Íf anyone belong to Christ....The old things have gone ; everything is made new!'(2 Cor 5:17). You won't find the secret to inner beauty and peace by comparing yourself with the airbrushed models on magazine covers. That kind of image is unsustainable. You'll find peace by asking God to remove the scales from your eyes and show you what you look like in His eyes. 'Those who look to Him are radiant .' The only healthy and lasting definition of beauty comes from God because He'... looks into the heart' (1 Sam 16:7)I just pray this message helps someone's heart today and make us know that we are beautiful the way we are, BEAUTY IS NOT ABOUT LOOKS, MAKE UP OR CLOTHES, TRUE BEAUTY COMES FROM BEING YOURSELF .
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