- Robert Kiyosaki is the author of the very popular motivational book - Rich Dad, Poor Dad!
The Decisions You Need to Make to Get Rich
I sat quietly one night and my lessons began all over again. I could hear my rich dad talking. “The only difference between the rich, poor and middle class,” he said, “is the kind of lifestyle they want. You don’t have to be psychic to tell a person’s future. If you listen to the words a person uses, they will tell you their future.”
Rich Dad believed that words were a person’s most important tool. He constantly reminded me to watch the words I spoke, simply because he believed that the words you speak and what you think ultimately become the world you live in. He often quoted the Old Testament: “And the word became flesh”.
So that night, I remembered Rich Dad reminding me to listen to different people’s words. I noticed that poor people often said:
“I just want enough money to pay the rent.”
“I need money to get to the next pay day.”
“After I pay my bills, I don't know how my family can afford to eat.”
People who used words such as these, often focused only on financial survival. Rich Dad often referred to these people as “poor” people, because they were poor managers of money. So a person who thought or spoke words such as these was constantly fighting for financial survival, regardless of how much money they made.
I noticed that the middle class focused on comfort. That is why so many of them say, “I don’t want to be rich. I just want to be comfortable.”
The rich used the vocabulary found in the asset column. Rich Dad said, “The rich are rich because they are not focused on day-to-day short-term survival, or the expense column as the poor are. Nor are the rich focused on comfort and the acquisition of liabilities using credit, as the middle class is.
The rich are rich because they focus on the long-term acquisition of assets... assets such as stocks, bonds, businesses and income producing real estate. Many times the rich will forsake meals, a steady pay check, a vacation, or the comfort of a nice home, to build or acquire real assets.”
So decide to be rich, even if you are broke today. Being poor is eternal but being broke is temporary.
Whether you have money or not, it is important to “Be” rich if you decide to do so, which means being willing to make being rich more important than merely surviving financially or being comfortable.
Choose Your Friends and Partners Wisely
Most of my best investments come from my rich friends, not from my stock brokers or real estate brokers. It is important to know if a person’s aspirations are to be rich, comfortable or simply survive.
Friends who merely want to be comfortable or survive will not understand why you want to be rich and may unconsciously pull you down. The most important investment you can make is in your financial education and financial experience. Invest in that and soon you will live the life of your dreams.
The Decisions You Need to Make to Get Rich
I sat quietly one night and my lessons began all over again. I could hear my rich dad talking. “The only difference between the rich, poor and middle class,” he said, “is the kind of lifestyle they want. You don’t have to be psychic to tell a person’s future. If you listen to the words a person uses, they will tell you their future.”
Rich Dad believed that words were a person’s most important tool. He constantly reminded me to watch the words I spoke, simply because he believed that the words you speak and what you think ultimately become the world you live in. He often quoted the Old Testament: “And the word became flesh”.
So that night, I remembered Rich Dad reminding me to listen to different people’s words. I noticed that poor people often said:
“I just want enough money to pay the rent.”
“I need money to get to the next pay day.”
“After I pay my bills, I don't know how my family can afford to eat.”
People who used words such as these, often focused only on financial survival. Rich Dad often referred to these people as “poor” people, because they were poor managers of money. So a person who thought or spoke words such as these was constantly fighting for financial survival, regardless of how much money they made.
I noticed that the middle class focused on comfort. That is why so many of them say, “I don’t want to be rich. I just want to be comfortable.”
The rich used the vocabulary found in the asset column. Rich Dad said, “The rich are rich because they are not focused on day-to-day short-term survival, or the expense column as the poor are. Nor are the rich focused on comfort and the acquisition of liabilities using credit, as the middle class is.
The rich are rich because they focus on the long-term acquisition of assets... assets such as stocks, bonds, businesses and income producing real estate. Many times the rich will forsake meals, a steady pay check, a vacation, or the comfort of a nice home, to build or acquire real assets.”
So decide to be rich, even if you are broke today. Being poor is eternal but being broke is temporary.
Whether you have money or not, it is important to “Be” rich if you decide to do so, which means being willing to make being rich more important than merely surviving financially or being comfortable.
Choose Your Friends and Partners Wisely
Most of my best investments come from my rich friends, not from my stock brokers or real estate brokers. It is important to know if a person’s aspirations are to be rich, comfortable or simply survive.
Friends who merely want to be comfortable or survive will not understand why you want to be rich and may unconsciously pull you down. The most important investment you can make is in your financial education and financial experience. Invest in that and soon you will live the life of your dreams.
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