Kind angel Selena Gomez recently did a Q&A with fans while promoting her new line for Adidas Neo and shared some details about her next album, which is almost as mysterious as Rihanna's #R8.
"I've been endlessly working on my new album that's almost kind of close to being done," she said. "Just know that it's the best I've ever done and you guys won't be disappointed." OK, that's not a lot of information, but she's been busy. In addition to making a record, she's done four movies and designed a clothing line, so she's got a lot going on.
Selena also used the Q&A to continue her crusade against bullying, saying she wishes it's the one thing she could change in the world. "I would deactivate every single comment on any social media," she said. "People are so mean, it's exhausting." Earlier this year, she fired back at Instagram commenters who responded to negatively to bikini photos of her by saying "there's more to love" and "I love being happy with me." Amen.


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